What Does a Colonic Machine Do?
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 1 Colonic Machine]()
Colonic Machine Technical Parameters | |
Input voltage | 220V±10% |
Input water pressure | (0.15~0.45)MPa |
Heating temperature | 36℃ |
Input frequency | 50±1Hz |
Work pressure | (5~15)KPa |
Temperature deviation | ±1.5℃ |
input power | <2KVA |
Workflow | (0~60)L/h |
Security Classification | IB |
Function item | Function content |
1. Automatic control of water injection temperature and pressure, automatic monitoring and display | a). Temperature control accuracy ±1.5℃; b). Pressure control accuracy 1Kpa. |
2. Constant temperature water patent | Water temperature setting |
3. Multiple security protection | a). Temperature: under-temperature, over-temperature, temperature-limiting protection; b). Pressure: over-voltage protection, over-voltage protection; c). Electrical: 24V control circuit, grounding, leakage switch protection; |
| d). Water shortage protection, and audible prompts. |
4. High and low injection options | There is overpressure protection and overpressure protection for low-level injection; |
| |
5. Automatic fault alarm and processing | Over temperature, overpressure, water shortage, automatic alarm and automatic processing functions. |
6. Machine and electricity integration | Built-in water filtration system and heating system. |
7. The washing time can be set and displayed | Set the treatment time based on your needs. The treatment time will be displayed in real-time during the treatment process, and there will be an audio prompt when the treatment is completed. |
8. Can be used in combination with ozone therapy machine | Provide interface and control |
9. With panel and line controller operation function | The remote controller operations include: water injection/water injection stop, medicine injection/medicine injection stop, flushing, and call functions. |
10. Swan shape patent | The high-strength fiberglass shell is durable |
11. Ergonomic treatment bed | Multi-position treatment is more comfortable |
12. Patented ball head liquid injection tube | 1 cm diameter high elastic catheter inserted into the anus 5 cm, easy to insert, reduced foreign body sensation, and improved comfort; |
13. Anti-fouling patent for liquid injection port | The liquid injection port has an anti-fouling the cover above the toilet to prevent cross-infection |
14. Deep toilet | Prevent discharge rebound and avoid cross-infection |
15. High-quality mattress; | Waterproof and wear-resistant leather, high-elastic polyurethane bed cushion; |
16.LED display discharge | High-definition 19-inch LED display, you can observe the discharge in real-time, or watch the introduction of health care beauty, or enjoy video songs; |
17. Patented pipelined sewage and odor removal | The pipeline discharges sewage and odor, no peculiar smell; independent pipeline exhaust odor; |
18. Flushing function | Flush the toilet bowl |
19. Clean the shower | Clean the toilet |
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 2 Colonic Machine]()
Colonic Machine Main features
1) Ergonomic treatment posture is more comfortable;
2) purified tap water (standard with fibre cotton, activated carbon, optional UV sterilisation) automatically heated to 36 ℃ constant temperature water, unlimited use;
(3) The flexible catheter with a diameter of 0.6 cm is inserted into the anus 8 cm, which will not damage the intestinal mucosa and is easy to operate;
4)Real-time display of fluid injection flow, intestinal cavity pressure, fluid injection temperature;
5) Equipped with high-definition 15-inch LCD DVD, you can observe the discharge in real time, or watch the introduction of health and beauty, or enjoy the video songs;
6) Pipeline drainage, odourless gas discharge without bad smell.
1, Temperature, pressure real-time display and control.
Recommended temperature range 36℃-38℃.
2, The thermostat has multiple temperature protection: no liquid will be injected into the body when the set temperature is 37℃, under temperature 35.5℃ or below, and over temperature 38.5℃ or above. 40℃+1.5℃ is the upper limit of temperature, automatically cut off the heating.
3. General treatment and severe constipation treatment together
4.Fibre cotton and activated carbon filter, sends out ultraviolet ray to sterilise; ‘water heating;
5. Beautiful appearance Flexing legs, lifting legs, sitting, squatting
6. Complimentary
7. Electronic flushing
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 3 Colonic Machine]()
Colonic Machine Efficacy and function
1. Treatment of constipation
Constipation is the most important adaptation disease of colon hydrotherapy. Medical experts believe that constipation is the source of all diseases. Research shows that the incidence of colorectal cancer and constipation is positively correlated. Age spots and obesity are also associated with constipation. In addition to the long-term effects of excreta on other organs of the colon, constipation itself also affects the physiological function of the colon.
A certain course of colon hydrotherapy can completely soften and completely remove the hardened persistent stools from the colon. It also softens and removes the hardened layer on the surface of the intestinal mucosa. This restores intestinal mucosal secretion and promotes colonic peristalsis. It eventually restores the normal intestinal function and achieves the purpose of complete treatment.
2. Cancer prevention and treatment
The fermentation and corruption of food residues in the colon produces some carcinogenic substances. The meat that people eat is not easy to digest, so the meat will stay in the digestive tract for a long time. If the colon is in contact with carcinogens for too long, the chance of colon cancer increases. Colon hydrotherapy removes impurities from the colon, so keeping the colon clean can prevent cancer.
3、Skin beauty
Metabolites and some harmful substances in the blood will be excreted through the skin, subcutaneous capillaries and glands. In the process of excretion, the surface of the skin will be damaged. This can lead to skin problems such as acne and pigmentation. Colon hydrotherapy increases the chances of harmful substances being eliminated from the intestines. Finally, the skin is healthier after colon hydrotherapy.
4. Staying healthy
Some of the harmful substances in the blood are detoxified through the liver, which depletes the liver’s detoxification enzyme system. This will have an effect on the brain and one will feel tired. Also, this can have an effect on the immune system and the body’s metabolism.
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 4 Colonic Machine]()
The History of Colonic Machine
Colonic machines have been around for hundreds of years. They were first used in ancient Egypt to treat constipation and other gastrointestinal problems. In the 1900s, colonic machines became popular in the United States as an alternative therapy for cleansing the colon.
What does Colonic Mean?
- Colonic refers to colon hydrotherapy, which is a type of therapy to cleanse the colon.
How to Get Rid of Toxic Waste in Your Body?
- Colon cleansing is one of the effective ways to remove toxic waste from the body. It involves flushing out the colon using water or special solutions.
What are Some Side Effects from Colon Hydrotherapy?
- Common side effects include cramping, bloating, and nausea. However, these effects are usually mild and go away on their own.
How to Properly Cleanse Your Colon?
- There are different ways to cleanse the colon, such as using laxatives, enemas, or colon hydrotherapy. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best option for you.
How to Clear My Bowels?
- Drinking plenty of water and consuming fiber-rich foods can help clear your bowels. You may also try colon cleansing methods.
What is a Good Cleanse for Constipation?
- A high-fiber diet, probiotics, and drinking plenty of water are some of the natural ways to relieve constipation. Colon hydrotherapy can also be an effective option.
What is the Cost of a Colonic Cleansing?
- The cost of a colonic cleansing varies depending on the location and the type of therapy. It is essential to do thorough research and consult with a professional before obtaining any colon cleansing treatment.
How to Empty Your Digestive System?
- Colon hydrotherapy can be an effective way to empty your digestive system. It involves infusing warm water into the colon, which helps to flush out any waste material.
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 5 Colonic Machine]()
The Working Principle of Colonic Machine
A colonic machine works by flushing warm, filtered water into the colon, which helps to remove waste and toxins. The water is then vacuumed out of the colon, along with any waste material. The entire process is done in a safe and controlled manner.
The Benefits of Colonic Machine
- Improves Digestion: Colonic machines can help to improve digestion by removing any waste and toxins that may be blocking the colon.
- Boosts Energy: A clean colon can help to improve energy levels, as waste and toxins can cause fatigue and sluggishness.
- Reduces Bloating: Colonic machines can help to reduce bloating and gas, which can be caused by a buildup of waste in the colon.
The Steps of Colonic Machine Procedure
- Preparation: Before the colonic machine procedure, the patient will need to eat a light meal and avoid solid foods for a few hours.
- Positioning: The patient will lie down on a table and the colonic machine will be inserted into the anus.
- Water Flow: Warm, filtered water will be gradually introduced into the colon, and the machine will gently massage the abdomen to help dislodge any waste and toxins.
- Waste Removal: The machine will then vacuum the water and waste out of the colon, which will be collected in a container for disposal.
Who Needs a Colonic Machine?
Colonic machines can be beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their digestive health and overall wellbeing. They may be particularly helpful for people who suffer from constipation, bloating, and other gastrointestinal problems.
The Application Industry of Colonic Machine
- Spas and Wellness Centers: Many spas and wellness centers offer colon hydrotherapy as an alternative therapy for cleansing the colon and improving overall health.
- Alternative Medicine Practices: Colonic machines are often used in alternative medicine practices, such as naturopathy and holistic medicine.
- Healthcare Facilities: Some healthcare facilities may offer colonic machines as part of their therapy services for gastrointestinal problems.
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 6 Colonic Machine]()
What Cleans Out Your Colon?
There are several methods that can help clean out your colon. These include:
- Colon cleansing supplements
- Fiber-rich foods
- Colon hydrotherapy
- Dietary changes
- Probiotics
What Type of Fiber is Good Before a Colonic Hydrotherapy?
Soluble fiber is a good choice before colon hydrotherapy. Examples of foods that contain soluble fiber include oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and peas.
How Often Should I Do Colon Hydrotherapy?
It’s recommended that you do colon hydrotherapy once every six months to a year. However, this can vary depending on your individual needs and health goals. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any colon cleansing regimen.
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 7 Colonic Machine]()
What is a Colonic?
A colonic is another term for colon hydrotherapy. It’s a procedure that involves flushing the colon with warm water to remove buildup and waste.
How to Clean Colon Fast?
There are several ways to clean your colon quickly. Some of these include:
- Drinking plenty of water
- Increasing fiber intake
- Taking colon cleansing supplements
- Doing regular exercise
How to Detox Your Stomach?
You can detoxify your stomach by following these steps:
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet
- Drink plenty of water
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine
- Get enough sleep
- Reduce stress
What to Eat Before and After Colon Hydrotherapy?
Before colon hydrotherapy, you should eat light and easily digestible foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. After, you should continue with these types of foods, along with probiotics and plenty of water, to support the healing process.
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 8 Colonic Machine]()
How to Flush My Bowels?
You can flush your bowels by:
- Drinking plenty of water
- Eating foods high in fiber
- Taking colon cleansing supplements
- Doing regular exercise
Looking for a Professional Colon Hydrotherapy Machine Manufacturer?
If you’re looking for a professional colon hydrotherapy machine manufacturer, look no further than us! We offer high-quality colon hydrotherapy machines that are ideal for healthcare providers and individuals who want to take control of their colon health. Contact us today to learn more about our products and become a distributor in your area!
![What Does a Colonic Machine Do? 11 Colonic Machine]()