Professional Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment Manufacturer and supplier
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La historia, Principio de funcionamiento, y beneficios de la máquina de hidroterapia de colon en Alemania

» Preguntas más frecuentes » The History, Principio de funcionamiento, y beneficios de la máquina de hidroterapia de colon en Alemania

La historia, Principio de funcionamiento, y beneficios de la máquina de hidroterapia de colon en Alemania

Puede 15, 2023

Colon Hydrotherapy Machine in Germany

La historia, Principio de funcionamiento, y beneficios de la máquina de hidroterapia de colon en Alemania


Colon hydrotherapy is a type of alternative medicine that involves the cleansing of the colon using water. Colon hydrotherapy machines have been used in Germany for many years and are gaining popularity in other parts of the world. En este articulo, exploraremos la historia, principio de funcionamiento, and benefits of colon hydrotherapy machines in Germany.


Colon hydrotherapy machines have been used in Germany for over 100 years. The first machine was invented by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg in the late 19th century. Kellogg used his machine to treat constipation and other digestive issues. In the 1920s, Dr. Wilhelm Rösch introduced a new type of colon hydrotherapy machine that used a continuous flow of water. This machine became popular in Germany and has been used ever since.

Principio de funcionamiento

Colon hydrotherapy machines work by using a combination of water and pressure to remove waste from the colon. The machine is connected to a tube, which is inserted into the rectum. Water is then pumped into the colon, and the pressure helps to remove waste. The waste is then flushed out of the body through the tube.

Colon Hydrotherapy Machine in Germany


There are many benefits to using a colon hydrotherapy machine. Some of the most common benefits include:

1. Improved digestion and bowel movements

2. Increased energy levels

3. Detoxification of the body

4. Improved immune system function

5. Alivia el estreñimiento

6. Reduces bloating

7. Strengthens the colon muscles

8. Helps with weight loss 9. Reduces the risk of colon cancer

Pasos de uso

Using a colon hydrotherapy machine in Germany is a straightforward process. The steps include:

1. Drink plenty of water before the procedure

2. Lie on your back with your knees bent

3. The therapist will insert a tube into the rectum

4. Water will be pumped into the colon

5. The therapist will massage the abdomen to help remove waste

6. Waste will be flushed out of the body through the tube

7. The procedure takes around 45 minutes to an hour

8. Después del procedimiento, drink plenty of water to help flush out any remaining waste

¿Quién necesita hidroterapia de colon??

Colon hydrotherapy is beneficial for anyone with digestive issues, such as constipation, hinchazón, y gasolina. It can also be helpful for people with autoimmune diseases, alergias, and skin problems. People who want to improve their overall health and wellness can also benefit from colon hydrotherapy.

Colon Hydrotherapy Machine in Germany

Industria de aplicaciones

Colon hydrotherapy machines are widely used in the healthcare industry, including medical clinics, balnearios, and wellness centers. They are also used in private homes by people who want to improve their digestive health. If you are interested in purchasing a colon hydrotherapy machine or learning more about the benefits of colon hydrotherapy, por favor contáctenos por correo electrónico, WhatsApp or leave a message on our website.

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