Les étudiants doivent avoir un fort intérêt pour la santé naturelle et s'engager à prendre soin des autres dans cette carrière enrichissante.
Un certificat à Montcon et une formation postdoctorale en anatomie et physiologie de base comme l'homéopathie, chiropracteur, infirmière, esthéticienne, un massothérapeute est requis et préféré.
Monkon, the manufacturer of colon hydrotherapy machines and its associated training centre, offers accredited courses for aspiring colon hydrotherapists and many healthcare practitioners worldwide.
Monkon Equipment Training
Courses usually attended by doctors and assistants. Therapists who are already Monkon certified, therapists for personal home use, or who have undergone a review of previous training. Monkon training is required to purchase a Monkon system!
Training includes:
How to use, operate and maintain Monkon
Contraindications / Hygiene procedures / Diseases and infections
Advertising / Business & Ethics / Commercial & Legal Aspects / Regulations / Marketing
You will receive and deliver colon hydrotherapy courses and practice on real clients!
Meeting the Monkon designer fee includes:
The Monkon certification requirements cannot be completed with Monkon equipment training alone. You can join Monkon as a member only and then complete the additional time required for Monkon training at a later date.
Monkon Professional Certification Course
65 hours of professional training
Monkon Professional Colonic Hydrotherapy Training Course – Online Learning
History/theory/practice of colon hydrotherapy – 30 hours
Anatomy and physiology – 60 hours
Microbiology – 25 hours
Bowel Health – Function and Dysfunction – 14 hours
Nutrition – 16 hours
Drug Interactions – 10 hours
Business ethics/office procedures – 40 hours
Complementary Modalities – 5 hours
(Note that the instructor must inform the office when the student is ready to start the nutrition and business ethics course)
Professional Colon Hydrotherapy Training Course – face-to-face training
Office Procedures – 5 hours
Health and Hygiene – 5 hours
Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive Tract Practicum – 50 hours
Find out more about accredited training