Professional Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment Manufacturer and supplier
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We are a world leader in the field of colon hydrotherapy.

MONKON was founded in 1997 with the mission to be the world leader in professional colon hydrotherapy, providing the best equipment, supplies and customer service in the industry.

Since its inception, MONKON has raised the bar and led the industry in innovation, quality colon hydrotherapy equipment and products, and customer care.

Proizvajalec opreme za hidroterapijo

First-class global support


Zavezani smo k temu, da vas podpiramo na vsakem koraku, no matter where you live in the world. Naša baza strank je mednarodna, zato nudimo izčrpna navodila v obliki jasnih in jedrnatih videoposnetkov in priročnikov, od tega, kako začetno nastaviti sobo za zdravljenje, na usposabljanje o tem, kako izvajati tretmaje in upravljati vašo opremo za kolonohidroterapijo Aquanet, za vzdrževanje vaše opreme za kolonohidroterapijo Aquanet. Naša ekipa za pomoč strankam vam je vedno na voljo, da odgovori na vsa vaša vprašanja po telefonu ali e-pošti. All our support and guidance is designed to be effective remote assistance.

International sales

We are able to sell directly to many parts of the world. Poleg tega, we have distributors in many countries who are dedicated to providing support and training to customers in their countries.

World-leading colon hydrotherapy technology

Our solid foundation of quality, state-of-the-art engineering and our dedicated team have combined to create the world’s leading colon hydrotherapy technology company.

oprema za hidroterapijo